This is the editor that allows you to create GUIs for the game. Right
click the on the window to bring up the Menu Properties dialog. Here’s
a description of the fields:
- Menu Name
The name of the menu that you will reference it by in the game.
- Motion Direction
This is the direction that the menu will appear from when toggled in
the game. Choices are:
- NONE (Default)
- Time
This is the amount of time the menu takes to appear or disappear when
- General Commands
You can add any of the appropriate layout commands mentioned below.
To create a widget, just click the LMB anywhere in the background and
drag out a region. This will define the frame of the widget. Double click
in the frame of that widget to bring up the Widget Properties Dialog.
Here’s a description of the fields:
- Name
Internal name of the widget. This really isn’t used much in the
game and was added (just in case we need it).
- Class
Defines the class of the widget (Button, Label, List, etc…).
- Title
Title to be displayed for labels, buttons, etc..
- Cmd
Stuff command to be put into the command buffer when the widget is activated
(i.e. button is pressed).
- Cvar
Name of the cvar to link this widget with. If the value of the widget
changes, then this cvar will be updated with the appropriate value.
- Border
Style of the border of the widget.
- BGColor
Background color of the widget.
- BGAlpha
Background alpha of the widget.
- FGColor
Foreground color of the widget.
- FGAlpha
Foreground alpha of the widget.
- Position
Position of the widget ( x,y,width,height).
- Class specific attributes
Extra information that applies to the widget. See the list of layout
commands below.
- align <left> <right> <top> <bottom>
Aligns the widget to the specified directions (resolution independent)
- shader <shadername>
Sets the shader of the widget. This will be drawn stretched in the widget
- tileshader <shadername>
Sets the shader of the widget. This will be drawn tiled in the widget
- hovershader <shadername>
Sets the shader that will be drawn when the mouse is hovering over the
- additem <item>
Adds the specified item to a list or listbox widget
- setrange <min> <max>
Sets the range of the slider from min to max
- direction <from_left | from_right | from_top | from_bottom>
Sets the direction of the shader when it appears on the screen. It will
scroll in from that direction over time
- slidertype <integer | float>
Sets the type of the slider to either integral or floating value
- fadein <time>
Makes the widget fade in over the specified time
- stopsound <soundname>
Plays the sound specified when the widget stops moving
- clicksound <soundname>
Plays the sound specified when the widget is clicked
- stretch < horizontal | vertical >
Stretch the widget horizontally or vertically across the whole screen
(resolution independent )
- initdata <data>
Initializes the widget to data (used for sliders)
- sliderstep <stepsize>
Sets the stepsize for the slider