Client Game Module Classes

Script -> Class

Listener -> Class


    Removes this listener immediately.


    Removes this listener the next time events are processed.

Event -> Class


EmitterLoader -> Listener -> Class

emitter( String emittername )

    Create a new emitter

ClientGameCommandManager -> Listener -> Class


    Signals the beginning of a block of commands


    Signals the end of a block of commands

accel( Float xAccFloat yAccFloat zAcc[ Float delay ] )

    Set the acceleration of the spawned tempmodel.
    This acceleration is applied using the world axis

addsoundeffect( String surfacetypeString name )

    The surface type and name of the effect

addspawneffect( String surfacetypeString name )

    The surface type and name of the effect

alias( String aliasString realPath[ String arg1 ][ String arg2 ][ String arg3 ][ String arg4 ][ String arg5 ][ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path

aliascache( String aliasString realPath[ String arg1 ][ String arg2 ][ String arg3 ][ String arg4 ][ String arg5 ][ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource


    Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling


    Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling at the time they are initialized

alpha( Float alpha )

    Set the alpha of the spawned tempmodel


    Always creates a new beam instead of replacing odd one.

angles( [ String [randomtype] ]Float pitch[ String [randomtype] ]Float yaw[ String [randomtype] ]Float roll )

    The angles of the object.If random type is not specified, then the component will be just set
    without randomness.

anim( String animation )

    Set a tempmodel the the specified animation


    Set a tempmodel to animate once and then get removed

autocache( String resourceName )

    Cache the specified resource

avelocity( [ String [randomtype] ]Float yawVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float pitchVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float rollVel )

    Set the angular velocity of the spawned tempmodel


    Make the beams endpoints offset to reduce the bunching up effect

beamdelay( [ String [randomtype] ][ Float delay ] )

    Set the delay time between creating new beams.
    If the keyword randomtype is specified, the delay between beams will be random

beamlength( Float length )

    Set the length of the beam or trace length (for decals)


    Make the beams persist instead of blinking out

beamshader( String shadername )

    Set the shader to use for the beam

beamsphere( Integer count )

    Create a sphere shaped beam effect from the origin. Count is the number of beams

beamtoggledelay( [ String [randomtype] ][ Float delay ] )

    Set a delay between toggling the beams on and off.
    If the keyword randomtype is specified, the delay between toggling will occur randomly


    Makes the beam behave as a wave.

bouncedecal( [ Integer maxamount ][ Integer temporary ] )

    Put a mark when the tempmodel bounces and hits a surface
    maxamount = Max amount of decals to make when bouncing
    temporary = specify 1 for a temporary mark that only appears for a short time, 0 for a decal that stays aroung longer (default is 0)
    A decal shader must be specified using decalshader

bouncefactor( Float factor )

    Set the bounciness of a tempmodel when it hits a solid.
    A factor > 1 will make the model bounce higher and higher on each hit

bouncesound( String sound[ Float [delay] ] )

    When bouncing, what sound to play on impact and an option delay (default is 1 second) between playing this sound

bouncesoundonce( String sound )

    When bouncing, what sound to play on impact one time

cache( String resourceName )

    Cache the specified resource


    Makes it so the beam can end early if it hits something.

chancetoemitatcamera( Float chance )

    sets the percent chance that particles will be emitted towards camera


    Set the tempmodels to be spawned in a circle around the origin
    This circle will be generated in the X/Y axis of the model

client( [ String arg1 ][ String arg2 ][ String arg3 ][ String arg4 ][ String arg5 ][ String arg6 ] )

    Execute the specified command arg string

collision( [ String water ] )

    Turn on collision for the tempmodel.
    If the keyword water is specified, then the tempmodel will collide with water

color( Float color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blue[ Float alpha ] )

    Set the color (modulate) of the spawned tempmodel.

colorrange( Float color_red_startFloat color_green_startFloat color_blue_startFloat color_red_endFloat color_green_endFloat color_blue_end[ Float time ] )

    Sets the color range of the spawned tempmodel.

commanddelay( Float timeInteger commandnumber[ String [arg1] ][ String [arg2] ][ String [arg3] ][ String [arg4] ][ String [arg5] ][ String [arg6] ] )

    Set the time delay between this command getting executed. This requires a command number to be assigned here.
    This is internally used to keep track of the commands this entity executes and will resolve naming conflicts.

count( Integer count )

    Set the number of tempmodels that are spawned
    This is only used for the originspawn and tagspawn commands,
    and not for emitters, use spawnrate instead

decalradius( Float radius )

    Set the radius of the decal

decalshader( String shadername )

    Set the shader to use for the impact decal.
    Use bouncedecal to turn on bounce decals.

definesoundeffect( String effectnameString mapnameString soundname )

    Defines the sound effect

definespawneffect( String effectnameString mapname )

    Defines the spawn effect


    Set emitter/tempmodel to be detail. Which can be turned off by detail


    Set the spawned tempmodels to die when they touch a solid

direction( [ String [randomtype] ]Float yawDir[ String [randomtype] ]Float pitchDir[ String [randomtype] ]Float rollDir )

    Add a random component to the regular velocity.
    If random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.

dlight( Float color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blueFloat intensity[ String type1 ][ String type2 ] )

    This makes the emitter itself a dynamic lightThe red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
    The intensity is the radius of the light
    type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)

dofade( Float fade_delayFloat fadein_timeBoolean alpha_only )

    Fades the model with the parameters outlined above

drag( Float drag[ Float dragDelay ] )

    Set the drag coeffcient. Example, 0.5 drag is half the speed every frame. dragDelay is the time the particle waits before the drag is applied.

duplicatecount( Integer num )

    Set a duplication number for the tempmodels

effectmap( String name )

    Declaration for the effect map

emitteroff( String emitterName )

    Turn the specified emitter off

emitteron( String emitterName )

    Turn the specified emitter on


    sets particles to spin based on emitter origin

endalpha( Float alpha )

    Set the alpha of the beam's endpoint

entcolor( Float color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blue[ Float alpha ] )

    Set the color(modulate) of this entity

exclusivelight( String exclusiveName )

    Set the exclusive entity lighting tag name for a tiki

fade( [ Boolean Alpha_Only ] )

    Set the tempmodel to fade out over it's life -- Set to 1 to fade Alpha only

fadedelay( Float time )

    Set the amount of time to delay a fade

fadein( [ Float time ] )

    Set the tempmodel to fade in over the specified time


    Set the tempmodel to change it's alpha every frame. Creates a flickering effect

footstep( String tagname[ String creaturetype ] )

    Place a footprint that is appropriate to the surface we are currently stepping on

footstepsound( [ Integer channel ][ Float volume ][ Float min_dist ] )

    Places an appropriate footstep sound based on the surface we are currently stepping on

freq( Float frequency )

    Modifies the frequency of a wavy beam (default is 10).


    Makes the beam behave as one big wave.

globalfade( [ String [in|out] ] )

    Set the tempmodels to globally fade in or out together


    Set the tempmodels linked to the model they are spawned from, so they move with it


    hides the entity

hitEntities( Boolean hit_entities_bool )

    Whether or not entities can be hit with this effect

hitWorld( Boolean hit_world_bool )

    Whether or not world can be hit with this effect

inwardsphere( Float radius )

    Create the tempmodels in a sphere around the origin, and adjust their
    angle so they point toward the center of the sphere. This is best used with a
    spehere radius and some velocity so the models look like they're heading toward the
    center of the sphere.

itemringshader( String shader_name )

    Makes this item use a different item shader.

lensflare( String lensflare_nameFloat color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blue[ Float scale ][ String replacement_shader_name ] )

    This makes the emitter itself a lensflare

life( Float life )

    Set the life (in seconds) of the spawned tempmodel

lightstyle( String nameOfImage )

    Set a lightstyle to determine the color of this tempmodel, the image
    specified is used to determine the look of the light style

loopsound( String soundName[ Float volume ][ Float min_distance ] )

    Play the specifed sound as a looping sound

lscalerate( Float rate )

    Sets the linear scaling rate of the spawned tempmodel
    If a negative rate is used, the model will shrink

maxoffset( Float maxoffset )

    Set the maximum offset from center in a beam

minoffset( Float minoffset )

    Set the minimum offset from center in a beam

model( String modelname1[ String modelname2 ][ String modelname3 ][ String modelname4 ][ String modelname5 ][ String modelname6 ] )

    Set the modelname of the tempmodel. If more than 1 model is specified, it will
    be randomly chosen when spawned

note( String note )

    This is a comment

numsegments( Integer numsegments )

    Set the number of segments in a beam

offset( [ String [randomtype] ]Float offsetX[ String [randomtype] ]Float offsetY[ String [randomtype] ]Float offsetZ )

    If random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.
    This offset is applied using the world axis.

offsetalongaxis( [ String [randomtype] ]Float offsetx[ String [randomtype] ]Float offsety[ String [randomtype] ]Float offsetz )

    If random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.
    This offset is applied using the model's local axis


    Makes the emitter only last one frame

orientation( Float degrees )

    Set the degrees to orient the decal. Specify 'random' to use a random orientation

originbeamemitter( String name )

    Spawn beams from the origin.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the beam

originbeamspawn( String emitterName )

    Spawn a beam from the origin.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the beam

origindlight( Float color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blueFloat intensityFloat life[ String type1 ][ String type2 ] )

    Spawn a dynamic light from the origin of the model
    The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
    The intensity is the radius of the light
    type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)

originemitter( String emitterName[ String tikiName ][ Boolean startoff ] )

    Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the origin.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels


    Spawn tempmodels from the origin.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels


    Set tempmodel to be parallel to the viewer


    Set the tempmodels angles to that of its parent


    Set the tempmodels linked to the parent, so they move with the parent model


    sets particles to spin based on own origin

physicsrate( String rate )

    Set the rate (in updates per second) for the tempmodel's physics to be updated

print( String string )

    Prints a string.

radius( Float radius )

    Set the radius of the sphere for the inwardsphere amd sphere settings

randomchance( Float percentage[ String [arg1] ][ String [arg2] ][ String [arg3] ][ String [arg4] ][ String [arg5] ][ String [arg6] ] )

    Set the percentage chance that command will occur


    Set the tempmodels so they pick a random roll value every frame

randvel( [ String [randomtype] ]Float xVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float yVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float zVel )

    Add a random component to the regular velocity.
    If a random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.
    This velocity is applied using the world axis

randvelaxis( [ String [randomtype] ]Float forwardVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float rightVel[ String [randomtype] ]Float upVel )

    Add a random component to the regular velocity.
    If random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.
    This velocity is applied using the parent axis

scale( Float scale )

    Set the scale of a spawned tempmodel

scaledelay( Float scale_delay )

    Sets the Delay before the model scales

scalemax( Float scalemax )

    Set the maximum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalemin( Float scalemin )

    Set the minimum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalerate( Float rate )

    Set the scaling rate of the spawned tempmodel
    If a negative rate is used, the model will shrink


    Set the tempmodel to scale up to scale value and then down.

setspinrate( Float spin_PitchFloat spin_YawFloat spin_Roll )

    sets spin on particles

setwindeffect( Float windeffect )

    sets the amount that emitted objects are affected by wind

sound( String soundName[ Integer channel ][ Float volume ][ Float min_distance ][ Float max_pitch_difference ][ Float min_pitch_difference ] )

    Play the specified sound

spawneffect( String name )

    Name of the effect

spawnrate( Float rate )

    Set the spawnrate of the emitter (models per second).
    This is only used for emitters and not for the originspawn and tagspawn commands


    Set the tempmodels to spawn in a sphere around the origin.
    If sphereradius is set, the tempmodels will spawn at the radius distance from
    the origin

spread( Float spreadxFloat spready[ Float endspreadx ][ Float endspready ][ Float spreadtimedelta ] )

    Add a random variance in the spawned beam in the forward direction by the amound specified in spreadx and spready, optionally with an end spread/time


    Signals an emitter to start in the off state (no tempmodels are emitted)

stopsound( Integer channel )

    Stops the sound on the specified channel.

surfaceSound( String baseSurfaceSound[ Integer channel ][ Float volume ][ Float min_dist ] )

    Places an appropriate sound based on the surface we are currently stepping on

swarm( Integer frequencyFloat maxspeedFloat delta )

    Create a swarm like effect that the tempmodels follow when they are spawned
    frequency is how often they change direction
    maxspeed is how fast the tempmodel will move (it's randomly generated every
    time the frequency is hit
    delta is how much the tempmodel moves toward the origin every frame

swipe( [ Vector origin ] )

    Do a swipe and add it on to the swipe rendering list.


    Signal the end of a swipe

swipeon( String shaderString startTagNameFloat endTagNamelifeFloat life )

    Signal the start of a swipe from the current tag

tagbeamemitter( String tagstartString name[ String tagend ] )

    Create a beam emitter that uses 2 tags to determine it's start and end position

tagbeamspawn( String tagstart )

    Spawn a beam that uses the tag to determine it's starting position.

tagdlight( String tagNameFloat color_redFloat color_greenFloat color_blueFloat intensityFloat life[ String type1 ][ String type2 ] )

    Spawn a dynamic light from the specified tag
    The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
    The intensity is the radius of the light
    type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)

tagemitter( String tagNameString emitterName[ String tikiName ][ Boolean startoff ] )

    Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the specified tag.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels

taglist( String arg1String arg2[ String arg3 ][ String arg4 ][ String arg5 ][ String arg6 ][ String arg7 ][ String arg8 ] )

    Set the tag list to create a beam that travels between all the tags

tagspawn( String tagName )

    Spawn tempmodels from the specified tag.
    This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels

tagtraceimpactmark( String tagname[ Integer temporary ] )

    Perform a trace from the specified tag to the maxlength and put the shader as a decal on the surface it hits
    temporary = specify 1 for a temporary mark that only appears for a short time, 0 for a decal that stays aroung longer (default is 0)

tagtraceimpactsound( String tagnameInteger maxlengthString sound[ Boolean isalias ] )

    Perform a trace from the specified tag to the maxlength and play a sound at that position

tagtraceimpactspawn( String tagname )

    Perform a trace from the specified tag to the maxlength and spawn the specified model there.

tbc_direction( [ String [randomtype] ]Float yawDir[ String [randomtype] ]Float pitchDir[ String [randomtype] ]Float rollDirFloat endTimeBoolean lerp )

    Add a random component to the regular velocity.
    If random type is not specified, then the component will just be added
    without randomness.

tbc_particlespin( Float spinrate_xFloat spinrate_yFloat spinrate_zBoolean spinoutFloat start_timeFloat end_timeBoolean lerp )

    TimeBased Spin Command

tbc_spawnrate( Float speedFloat start_timeFloat end_timeBoolean lerp )

    TimeBased SpawnRate Command

tbc_speed( Float speedFloat start_timeFloat end_timeBoolean lerp )

    TimeBased Speed Command

todo( String todo )

    This is an item that needs to be done

tracecount( Integer count )

    Set the number of traces that are done

tracelength( Float length )

    Set the length of the trace for the decal

trail( String shaderString startTagString endTagFloat life )

    Set the tempmodel to have a swipe that follows it

twinkle( Float mintimeoffFloat maxtimeoffFloat mintimeonFloat maxtimeon )

    Set the tempmodel to twinkle with the specified settings


    Makes this trace command use the results from the last trace command


    Makes this trace command use the end results of the last trace command

velocity( Float forwardVelocity )

    Set the forward velocity of the spawned tempmodel

wavy( [ String [randomtype] ]Float distance )

    Set the tempmodel to move in a wavy path to a maxmimun of the distance specified

6 Client Game Module Classes.
113 Events.